Hey hey there Dad!
So this last week has been pretty tiring for sure. But lots
of fun!
We just had an Elder come back from his mission this past
week (meaning back to Roi-Et because he is Thai.) His name is Farm and he is
way cool. Served in Australia so it is fun to be able to speak with him.
We also had a crazy Tuesday. We had a meeting called จบ'ers meeting (Jober's
Meeting). President and Sister Hammond gave us a very very good overview of
preparing for life after our missions. Schooling, work, and the whole bit. Lots
of it. Way fun, but kind of sad. All of these missionaries about to go home.
But it was fun and it was good. Except for the two night buses. I barely had
any sleep for several days. We did some advanced switching off with different
missionaries to get all the people down but keep as many missionaries in their
areas as possible. So that was fun as well. Like a weird puzzle game except it
was real life.
We also did interviews and that was way good. Also had to
renew my temple recommend and that was a great experience. All mission
presidents are great I feel like.
Otherwise, the rest of the week was hard work, lack of sleep
and hard work! That's what life is like. Also we had to do a baptismal
interview and those are always fun. There's a lot of listening to the Spirit. A
lot of follow up questions. But you know when they are ready.
The Spirit will tell us all things which we should do. One
thing that I learned this past week was about virtue. Not about being clean
morally or anything like that, but keeping your mind disciplined. Sing a hymn,
or memorize a scripture, but you can control the theater of your mind. Remember
the scripture: "Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not, fear not." (ค.พ. ๖:๓๖)
I know that as we center our lives on the Savior all of our
fears will melt away. Love you lots! Talk to you soon!
-Elder Collin Decker