Sunday, October 21, 2018

7-8-2018 Samut Sakhon

Hey Dad!

Sorry right now we're out exploring!

Last week was fun! Lots of dinners and lots of finding. We're managing to get through OK. I mean we also had a baptism so that was good...​

But​ we HAD A BAPTISM!!!! It was for a little girl. We got her as a referral (from her parents who are RCs) and taught her... Fairly quickly. And then she was baptized! We didn't do anything... We just were handed a person to be baptized. She's just about 9 so it was way cool. Now on to more harvesting!

Elder Bird is way cool. He's pretty fit which makes me feel like I need to get into better shape... But that will come with time. But we might move houses soon so that would be fun. 

We also met President Hammond and his companion and his family (just two kids for right now). Their son, Jared, is 14 and his daughter, whose name I can't remember. They're way cool. I love them and they're going to be great. 

Anyways I don't have much for this week. The Lord is blessing us greatly. Remember, testimony of the faithful and help others grow their faith. Alma 4 says that Alma went forth to bear down in pure testimony to reclaim the people. May we every strengthen our testimony to light a fire in others. We can

Love you all! Talk to you next week! 

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